A letter to myself — A very informal note!

Tolu Adesina
4 min readSep 3, 2017
My Bitmoji — Snapchat — toluadesina

Hi self,

How have you been? It’s been along while we did this.. actually we have never done this publicly. I miss talking to you, deliberating on issues and all. We really need to get better at keeping up.

Anyways that’s not the issue here, I am writing this letter to inform you of the plans we have for the next 10 years (yasss you read right — it’s a 10 year plan… ). We really need to get serious, we have played away a quarter of our life and we need to know we are not growing any younger. Not that we should loose ourself in work, or trying to grow old, nope, what I am saying is we need to be much more strategic, we need to start putting plans in place.

The detour : I am not really that old, just too old to constantly be broke. Lol. Who is too old to be broke? Well, my opinion (and I repeat it’s my opinion) on the matter of being broke is that everyone needs to work harder, getting broke is no validation of laziness, don’t get me wrong. But if only we can work harder and be more diligent at what we do, then we would be one step away from being broke always and the more “one” step we take a way, the farther we are from it.

So we have to break down our plans into short term, and long term. The short term will have deliverables as I will constantly check with you to make sure you are doing well. Kapish!

Not like I plan to let you all reading this in on my plans — naaa.. you didn’t think so right? I thought as much 😉

The short term

We have to launch a product and real soon, you probably don’t have any physical talent (not complaining, I just think I don’t have all them talent that the world can see, like drawing, singing and the likes — but my talent is in ideation), all I have is this brain that churns out ideas on the daily yet I am unable to execute any because of laxity and all the lies I tell myself just not to do somethings. It has to stop.

We also have to get serious about relationships, bruh you too old to still be in this single game — you been single for as long as I have known you, yet still wrecking hearts and …. (Censored part). Lol. But on a more serious note, you need to take that part of your life serious now more than ever, you are not getting younger and you need to find that person that complements you, you spend your days behind a desk and have no time to meet with people and make new friends but that should not deter you from making a conscious decision to find that lady (pray about it)..

Also you need to do more reading, much more writing, put yourself out there for speaking engagements, you can do this, stop shying away. You are no more as ugly as you thought you were ( yes! Sadly I had complex issues and and low self esteem..), now you’ve got a killer smile 😁. (Hehehehehe! I wish I could be more serious but this other me just keeps disrupting my serious streak ).

So let’s start this part above again 😶. You need to try speaking and organizing events and don’t take backstage always. It’s good to do backstage but sometimes you need the stage to learn how to do things. You will never learn by being behind the scenes.

Create many more products, some will not be as successful as some but still do. Don’t be afraid to fail, eradicate the word mistakes from your vocabulary. See every “mistake” as a new way not to do something. That way you heal faster and you don’t punish yourself for what you can’t control. Use every and any “failure” to your advantage, don’t accept setbacks as a reason not to stand up and go for it.

Above all build a better relationship with God. It’s what we both want but we fail and fall from time to time, but we need to make a conscious decision and effort to stay strong and build a better relationship with him. Coz without him, we are nothing.

again a self generated image … Bitmoji to the rescue

The long term

We will talk about this when we have time .. for now all we know is we have to feature in Forbes 30 under 30 😎

yasssss! 🗒

Bye self!

To every and anyone reading this. This is a note to myself, but I know you can apply, adapt, edit (anything else…) to yourself and then make that change you desire. This is me making a better man of me. Let’s make better people of ourselves and lead a better life. That way we would build a better generation 🎤👊

