What I learnt while selling kolos…
I still sell kolo in case you were thinking I no longer sell, check out mykolo.ng on Instagram for beautiful kolos.
Kolo is the Native name for piggy bank, just so you know.
The kolo is used to save loose change or save money for a purpose, or even to build that savings culture.
Mykolo did a great job in producing kolos that cannot be easily stolen from, you almost can not get your money out of the kolo until you break it open. The kolos are made in beautiful shapes and sizes. You will almost never want to break open your kolo.
Now to what I learnt
If anyone told me I will know anything about wood and usages, and cutting, filing, smoothing and all that is associated with wood, I would have doubted it a lot, but first thing I learnt was about wood itself, I got to know about woods that spoil, woods that can crack when left in the sun, woods that are treated, how the treatment can affect the content of the wooden box. Basically, I started at the best place, knowing a lot about the major raw material used in the production of the kolo.
Next, I learnt a lot about customer care, like Ayo, founder of mykolo would say, Nigerians are angry. You need to know how to talk to each and everyone of them in the best way possible. I learnt to infuse local language in discussions, learnt to pacify clients when orders didn’t get to them, learnt to soothe clients ego even when I knew they were obviously wrong.
I also learnt to how to sell to unwilling customers, some you will catch immediately and some you won’t. Some you will have to followup on. We even employ unconventional tactics to close deals. We sometimes go as far as also being a client to our client.
I have also learnt about quality control, my standard seems to have gone up, I suddenly expect more from people. At mykolo, we pay attention to details, a single piece of kolo goes through a series of durability checks and also our legendary face test — here, we rub the kolo on our face to check for the smoothness of the kolo on the skin, we are at this point sure our kolo is fit for market.
Most of all, I learnt to dream big. One major thing to note is that you are limited by your scope, you are limited by who you interact with and you are most of all limited by what you know. Dream, oh dream on and make sure its big enough to scare you.
To my readers and clappers — the first 20 people to read to the end and quote TOLUADESINA as their referral will get 10% discount on any mykolo product they purchase.
To buy — follow us on instagram and send a DM.